How to solve the 4 most common brand positioning mistakes?

All professionals who dare with the E-Commerce world know that it is not an easy experience, in most cases there are unexpected events and mistakes that make difficult to make progress and achieve the goals. One of the main factors to sell on the Internet is to achieve positioning and if this can be optimal, the better. Creating a good personal brand on the Internet is not easy because it does not only involve working with social networks, but also looking for a defined, constant and continuous strategy.

The most common mistakes that we usually make in a new brand are having an unstable or outdated platform, not offering clear information on what is sold or treating E-commerce as a secondary business if you have also a store.

The challenge of the Brand Manager is to get your brand recognised on the Internet and produce benefits, getting redirect influence to the corporate brand will report many objectives in the company. It requires perseverance and hard work since it is one of the most important digital skills for any manager.

Very few brands make their E-Commerce perfect since the beginning. In digital environment, many of them go through problems that make difficult that customers make a purchase. Marketing strategies are essential for a good communication between company and customer but without a base that guarantees a shopping experience better to that of the competition, there is nothing to do.

The aim of the Brand manager is to place the brand in the consumer's mind in the right way, that is, not only to get the consumer to remember us, but to remind us of the way we want to be remembered. For this reason, we are going to summarise the 4 most common mistakes of brand positioning on the Internet and share some solutions to avoid or correct these problems.

1. Brand Under Positioning

The first mistake happens when, on equal terms (products, prices, advice), your brand is seen as inferior to that of the competition. So, it does not bring anything new that you do not know or that the other brand can give you.

One of the most common solutions is to make cobranding. To solve this mistake you can associate your brand with a brand ambassador so that customers feel identified with. This way, you will be able to differentiate your brand from the competition.

2. Brand Over Positioning

Often, it happens that the brand manager imagines that the value or price of their brand is higher than it really is. For this reason, it is necessary for the management team to think objectively: what can my brand offer that others do not offer?

The solution is to use a rational combat tool, that is, to continuously make SWOT analysis and establish a pricing strategy.

3. Brand Confusion

If the brand does not have a clear positioning, the customer may be confused and not know what the products or services the brand offers are for. This confusion may be due to reasons such as an outdated stock, lack of details in the descriptions, absent or poor-quality images ... All these factors are the most common that we can find in online businesses and ensure that the potential consumer does not repeat the experience again.

Luckily, the solutions to these problems are usually very concrete:

  • Talking clearly about the uses of our brand.
  • Providing information about the value proposition of our brand.
  • Informing about the category to which our brand belongs.
  • Creating test campaigns to find out if consumers are really getting the message.
  • Updating the brand frequently.
  • Offering a customer service to answer questions.

4. Uncertain Positioning

Once the previous mistakes have been solved, it is possible that another one may arise and this is the uncertain positioning that happens when the brand is seen by the consumer as unable to fulfil what it promises.

If the brand goes through this mistake, firstly it has to stop and reconsider. About eliminating the idea that consumers have of the company and doing a brand reinvestment. A lot of companies that had a bad reputation disappeared and resurfaced with a new name and solved mistakes.

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