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Our Services

Web performance optimization – WPO.

Accordingly, all the actions that are carried out in terms of Web Performance Optimization (WPO) will result in better visibility. A higher loading speed, smaller size of the web, greater accessibility, and connectivity, etc. ensures Google uses fewer resources to show our website in its search results. In addition to that, the user will have a better experience and navigate more. According to various studies, and our own experience,  the client browses more, buys more and contacts the company more compared to a sub optimized website .

From Econsultoría we provide service to measure the loading speed and volume of the web according to the reality of Spanish connections today, we perform tests such as Page Speed Grade or YSlow, etc.

We carry out audits of the state of the web, and of the websites of the competition. We act as consultants so that your computer team can implement the necessary measures. Or we directly execute the necessary changes on your website, servers, DNS, CDN etc. so that everything works better, faster and more secure.

Along with measures in terms of web architecture, the actions related to Web Performance Optimization are the first steps we consider in the design of a website. It is much better, more competent, and cheaper to consider Web Performance Optimization before putting the web into operation than to do it later.

The reports we present include all the measures implemented or to be carried out. These are measures that any computer programmer and /or system administrator of a minimum level can understand and execute.

 Google and the other search engines frequently decide to change their algorithms. We continuously adapt to the recommendations and changes they implement. What we do is not secret, nor is it magic, nor is it deceptive. It consists of improving what is there, observing the competition, analyzing the results and continuously improving based on the analysis of the data.

Below we  list  the main points that we take into account in our work:

  • Servers
  • Version  and mobile  access
  • Contents
  • HTML
  • Java Script
  • CSS
  • Cookies
  • Imagery
  • Connectivity

In web positioning a good part of the success is due to the “on page” component. On-page optimization basically consists of:

  • Domain.
  • Structure of internal links.
  • Programming.
  • Header: titles, description, keywords, etc.
  • Bold, lists, italics.
  • Images and the alt attribute.
  • Flash.
  • Original and quality content.
  • Structure of the site.
  • Map of the website.
  • Etc.
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